Iron Maiden, A Legend of Heavy Metal From UK

Iron Maiden constitues a heavy metal bang from England. This group was built in 1975 exactly in London. Steve Haris, bassist of the group, initiated to make Iron Maiden. This band changed some of its personnel due to some reasons. In the begining of this band, Steve Harris is the bassist, Paul is the vocalist, Terry Rance is the guitarist and Ron Matthews is the drummer.Only Steve that still exist untill now. Those who first become pioneer of the band have quitted and some musicians came in. The new members are Dave Muray as guitarist, Brucec Dickinson as vocalist, Janick Gers as guitarist and Mcbrain as drummer.

Once upon a time, New Wave of British Heavy Metal was popular. It was an era where many heavy metal bands from great Britain influenced the world see what heavy metal is. Many bands from arround the word were inspired by The New Wave which Iron Maiden belongs to. In 1980, Iron Maiden rileased an album which was exclusively made for Great Britain music industry. Even in the USA, this album cannot be found. The album itself was entitled just the same with name of the band.

In 1881, the second album was made entitled killers. This album marketed not only in England but also USA. The Number of The Beast is the third album of Iron Maiden. In UK, this album coukd reach number one on the popular music chart. But unfortunately, this ranked 33 only in the US music industry. Peace of mindwas then released and not like the previous album, this only stayed on the third position on the music chart. Until now, Iron Maiden still becomes idol for heavy metal lovers. As the proof, this band still holds worldwide tour that surely catch attention from heavy metal music lovers.

Compared to Metallica, Iron Maiden is less popular but they have their own way to create hits. Iron Maiden, for sure, has fanatic fans base that some of them are eager to do something unlogic just to see the idol. Iron Maiden is also unique. They play music that is mostly about social critic. Some tours that are about to hold in a couple of days to come are as follows.

  • Juli 2018, USA tour held in BT&T center. In this place, more than 20.000 visitor try to access fit to optimal quantity of the venue.
  • August 2019, Montreal Canada will be the venue of Iron Maiden tour. It is predicted capaty of the venue will not be able to accomodate heavy anthusiasts.

There are still many tours Iron Maiden will hold but mostly in some states of USA. This condition is understandable as Iron Maiden is so close with every single thing related to music development of the band. You do need to book online ticket anytime you want to see how amazing this band perfoms in the tour.